What to Know About Bullying in Pacific County Schools

We all know the word, and most of us have been on the receiving end of it at some point in our lives. But what do we do when it’s our children being bullied? How do we help them navigate a difficult situation we won’t always be present for? This is a resource guide for anyone in Pacific County seeking knowledge on how best to maneuver bullying in our county’s public schools.
How is bullying defined in public schools?
Per RCW 28A.600.477, bullying in Washington State’s schools is defined as “harassment, intimidation or bullying as any intentionally written message or image - including those that are electronically transmitted - verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
Physically harms a student or damages the student's property.
Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education.
Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.”
Ultimately, bullying is defined as negative actions that are intentional, repeated, show a lack of empathy, and a power imbalance.
What are schools required to do about bullying?
On a district level, each school district must appoint a Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) compliance officer who receives all formal and informal complaints, implements HIB policies and procedures, provides assistance to the schools’ principals to resolve conflict, and is the primary contact between the school district, the Office of the Education Ombudsman, and OSPI.
On the school level, each school has their own procedures for handling bullying, sometimes called a Nondiscrimination Statement. These procedures can often be found in student handbooks, the school’s website, or in other distributed materials. On occasion, the entire school district will share the same policies and procedures and list them on their website, like South Bend School District (see image below). If you are unable to find this information or need a translated version, we suggest contacting the school’s office staff. If you have specific questions about the policies and procedures, the compliance officer for each district can guide you in the right direction. Each district has a different compliance officer, found in the table below.
Pacific County’s HIB Compliance Officers
The Compliance Officers are subject to change. To view any changes, please visit the HIB Compliance Officer Contact List or contact the school district directly.
HIB Contact: Justin Laine
(360) 484-7121
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
HIB Contact: Rickard Winters
(360) 532-3079
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
HIB Contact: Amy Huntley
(360) 642-3739
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
HIB Contact: Nicholas French
(360) 268-9125
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
At the bottom of this webpage: https://www.ocosta.k12.wa.us/
HIB Contact: Kyle MacDonald
(360) 291-3244
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
At the bottom of this webpage: https://www.peell.k12.wa.us/
HIB Contact: K.C. Johnson
(360) 942-3415
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
At the bottom of this webpage: https://raymondk12.org/en-US
HIB Contact: Jon Tienhaara
(360) 875-6041
Bullying/Harassment Policy:
HIB Contact: Nancy Morris
(360) 942-5855
Bullying/Harassment Policy:

What should I as a student do if I’m being bullied?
Bullying can occur at differing degrees of severity, and each case of bullying is different. It’s best to disengage with a bully and report the incident to a trusted adult, whether that is a teacher, parent, school secretary, school counselor, coach, etc. If possible (and depending on age), keep notes on any situations that have occurred and who was involved even if you are unsure it qualifies as bullying. Describe how the situation has made you feel and if you tried anything to stop the bullying behaviors. Remember, telling is not tattling. All students are deserving of a safe, comfortable, and positive learning environment.
Need more tips? Check out this guide from stopbullying.gov:
What should I as a parent do if my child is being bullied?
Document the behaviors your child is describing, how it has made them feel, and the names of anyone involved. Ask what your child needs to feel safe and what they would like to happen next; assist them in identifying available options. Discuss the issues with your child’s teacher(s) and determine if a formal report is necessary. Reference the school’s policies and procedures on how to report bullying. If you don’t have access to the school’s policies, please see the chart below or contact the school directly. Remind your child that bullying is not a reflection of who they are as a person and can often be a symptom of the bully’s own internal conflicts.