Come Work with us!

Pacific County Voices Uniting (PCVU) is a 100% BIPOC-led organization located along the edges of Willapa Bay in Southwest Washington that aims to shift, balance, and develop a culture of healthy civic engagement. In a county with large disparities, we are uniting cross-cultural and multi-generational demographics to participate in collaborative social movements that increase civic engagement through education, create more reflective representation, and build political power. By lifting and supporting BIPOC leadership, we strive to promote systems and policies that create equitable access to resources for those often forgotten or silenced in our communities. More specifically, we seek racial, political, social, and economic justice for those most marginalized in our communities: Black, Indigenous, Mexican/Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander peoples of color, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and people living with disabilities both seen and unseen.
Part-time, Temporary Community Engagement Organizers
PCVU is hiring Part-time, Temporary Community Engagement Organizers in Pacific County. Each Community Engagement Organizer will be based locally and have strong community connections with historically underrepresented populations. We strongly encourage black, indigenous, people of color, immigrants, refugees, LGBTQIA2S+, formerly incarcerated, and people living with disabilities and/or other lived experiences to apply.
Organizadores comunitarios temporales, de medio tiempo
PCVU está contratando organizadores comunitarios temporales de medio tiempo en el condado del Pacifico. Cada organizador de participación comunitaria será ubicado localmente y tendrá fuertes conexiones comunitarias con poblaciones históricamente menos representadas. Recomendamos encarecidamente a las personas negras, indigenas, de color, inmigrantes, refugiados, LGBTQIA2S+, ex-encarcelados y personas que viven con discapacidades y otras experiencias vividas que presenten su aplicación de empleo.