Upcoming events.

Healthcare Facilities Community Information Meeting
Willapa Harbor Hospital board members and employees will be at the South Bend Community Center to give a short presentation answer questions about the upcoming Proposition 1 bond measure.

Healthcare Facilities Community Information Meeting
Board members and staff from Willapa Harbor Hospital will be at the Bay Center Methodist Church to give a brief presentation and answer questions regarding the upcoming Proposition 1 bond measure.

Healthcare Facilities Community Information Meeting
Board members and staff from Willapa Harbor Hospital will be at the Frances Catholic Church to give a brief presentation and answer questions regarding the upcoming Proposition 1 bond measure.

Healthcare Facilities Community Information Meeting
Board members and staff from Willapa Harbor Hospital will be at the Raymond School District Library to give a brief presentation and answer questions regarding the upcoming Proposition 1 bond measure.

Healthcare Facilities Community Information Meeting
Board members and staff from Willapa Harbor Hospital will be at the Shoalwater Tribal Center to give a brief presentation and answer questions regarding the upcoming Proposition 1 bond measure.