Your Health,
Your Community,
Your Future!

What You Should Know
Our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents invested so that we have access to healthcare. We need to do the same for future generations. Proposition 1 will fund new healthcare facilities to provide better care, more jobs, and essential services for our community.
New healthcare facilities will allow our local providers to actually provide more, for more people. This will downsize the need and expenses involved in traveling outside of Pacific County for your healthcare needs.
Current visiting specialists such as cardiologists and pain management providers have the opportunity to expand their resources if our facilities can support them. With expansion, we could gain more care from orthopedic, chemotherapy and other visiting specialists- all locally!
Vote to approve Proposition 1
Vote to approve Proposition 1
Vote to approve Proposition 1 ⋆ Vote to approve Proposition 1 ⋆

Why it Matters
Our current healthcare facilities, built for medicine practiced in the 1950s and 1960s, are not designed to meet the growing needs of our community. We need expansion to provide better care for our future generations.

Investing in Your Health
Over 50% of the cost if the new healthcare facilitites will be funded through healthcare facility revenue, not just taxpayer dollars.
Less burden on taxpayers: Proposition 1 is a $42 million bond that will cost you about $1.30/per month for every $1,000 of property value.
This is an investment for you, your family, and the rest of your community.

Benefits of New Facilities
Access to more diagnostic machines, space for emergency room beds, and more primary care to serve the community.
Improved facilities will bring more local jobs and better privacy and safety for patients.
Reduce travel, expenses, and time for care by keeping services close to home.
Vote to approve Proposition 1
Vote to approve Proposition 1
Vote to approve Proposition 1 ⋆ Vote to approve Proposition 1 ⋆

The current healthcare facility is over 70 years old and does not meet current codes or standards. With aging infrastructure, including faulty HVAC systems, a lack of hot water, and outdated facilities, the healthcare facilities cannot provide the level of care we need. New facilities will improve access to services, allow for growth, and ensure we continue to have quality healthcare for generations to come.
If Proposition 1 passes, property taxes will increase by about $1.30 per month for every $1,000 of assessed value. For a $300,000 property, this would amount to about $426 annually, or $35.50 per month. This is based on a 5% interest rate and could vary year to year depending on assessed property values and timber tax revenue.
The healthcare facility is actively pursuing additional funding through grants and other resources, with the majority of the remaining balance being covered by service revenues. This mix of public, private, and service funding ensures the financial burden on taxpayers is minimized.
Once funding is approved, decisions about the future of the current healthcare facility will be made in collaboration with community groups and interested citizens. Public meetings will be held to share updates and gather input from everyone affected.
The hope is to have more visiting specialties in Cardiology, Chemotherapy, Orthopedics, and other specialties. There are plans to expand services to reduce the need for patients to travel long distances for care. More primary care physicians will also be able to practice in the new space.
The Property Tax Credit allows taxpayers who are paying property tax to have a portion of their healthcare facilities bill forgiven, based on the amount they contribute to the funding of the new facility. This will help ensure that property taxes are manageable and won't overwhelm local residents.
For more information on the tax credit got to: https://www.willapaharborhospital.com/
Proposition 1 is more than just a new building; it’s an investment in our community’s health. New healthcare facilities will bring more services, more jobs, and the ability to provide better care for generations to come.
Got More Questions?
Attend one of our upcoming public meetings to learn more and ask questions directly. Or email us here.
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